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Come and find out the differences between the old and the new RGCP!

On May 4, 2021, was published the new Ordinance No. 200 OF APRIL 29, 2021, approving the General Requirements for Product Certification (RGCP). The new RGCP replaces Ordinance No. 118 and several complementary ones. Inmetro published the new RGCP to update obsolete items and consolidate the various ordinances and amendments to make it more transparent […]

Keep Your Eyes Out This Winter – Gas Heater Certification

In winter, the demand for instant-type or storage-type gas water heaters increases significantly and ensures a bath with hot water. ⠀ Therefore, we are here to alert you: Look for those certificated by Inmetro! Only those with the conformity stamp follow the requirements approved and duly registered with the regulatory body. Leonardo Tozzi Pinheiro, CEO […]

Seven steps to Anatel Certification

All telecommunications products need to be assessed and, when applicable, have their certification for compulsory homologation with Anatel. Faced with this obligation for the product to be commercialized in the national territory, we at NCC Certifications highlight seven main stages of the Certification process based on type testing that results in the product’s technical compliance […]

Have air purifiers or sterilizers a mandatory certification?

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for air purifiers or sterilizers increased to make residential and business environments safer. NCC highlights for you the most common products and where to find the certification stamps. Air purifiers with filters: These shall undoubtedly be certified by Ordinance No. 371, of December 29, 2009. Air sterilizers with […]

Wi-Fi in Brazil

Wi-Fi in Brazil Wi-Fi technology is a reality everywhere, and Brazil is no different. Can you imagine what your life would be like without Wi-Fi? Nowadays, being connected is a necessity. Wi-Fi communication spread even further with the presence of Smartphones, which boosted the search for high-capacity routers to share technology in the home and […]

A water cooler or water purifier? How to check for improvements in water quality When buying a product for your home, which one would be better: a water cooler or a water purifier? NCC can explain it to you! A water cooler is an equipment that can be electric or electronic, with a hose connected […]

Certification of Single-Use Sterile Hypodermic Needles and Single-Use Sterile Dental Needles

On February 10, 2021, Inmetro published Ordinance No. 84, which approves the Conformity Assessment Requirements for Single-Use Sterile Hypodermic Needles and Single-Use Sterile Dental Needles, consolidating with other regulations that dealt with the same topic. This publication revokes Inmetro Ordinance No. 501, of December 29, 2011, and Annex A of Inmetro Ordinance No. 289, of […]

Certificação de eletrodomésticos

O Objetivo do Programa de Avaliação da Conformidade de Aparelhos Eletrodomésticos e Similares é para evitar qualquer acidente protegendo o consumidor em relação a falta de informação ou também a riscos de choque elétricos, propagação de chamas, entre outros problemas. A regulamentação principal que se segue é a Portaria Inmetro nº 371, de 29 de […]

Explosive Atmosphere

In a classified area, all electrical and non-electrical installations, telecommunications devices, and automation, in general, require special attention when applicable in this area and in compliance with the current regulations for installation in classified areas. Examples of these installations include chemical plants, refineries and oil exploration platforms, the pharmaceutical industry, the food industry, and the […]

Where do you buy toys?

Christmas is coming, and then you think of giving a toy to your son, nephew, or cousin or even donating in the famous “Christmas Letters to Santa Claus.” Knowing where you buy toys is very important, and we emphasize the importance of a toy with an Inmetro stamp. We at NCC Certificações take this very […]

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