What is the Olga Kos Citizen Scale?
The Olga Kos Citizen Scale (ECOK) is a certification scheme based on identifying, monitoring, and assessing how social inclusion is practiced in the labor market. Based on 5 variables, 20 indicators, and 37 requirements, it assesses how inclusive a company or public entity is to contemplate diversity by gender, age, disability, ethnicity, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, or any other factor and exclusion.
This process is unprecedented worldwide and will contribute to the social dimension within companies based on well-defined metrics.
The Brazilian Institute of Metrology, Quality, and Technology (Inmetro) will conduct the assessment process. With this, it will be possible to assign a level of inclusion represented by the Olga Kos’ Inclusion Stamp (SEIOK). The scheme requires the organization to meet 75% of the scale to receive the stamp and certificate.
Level I – Latent Inclusive Potential
Level II – Emerging Inclusive Potential
Level III – Inclusive Guidance
Level IV – Fully Inclusive
The request for the Stamp can be made by organizations that wish to associate their brand with inclusion practices.
Process steps:
Certification Request
Analysis of the request and documentation conformity
Attribution of 2, 3, and 4-star stamps
Maintenance confirmation
Recertification Assessment
Conformity assessment bodies will be able to request accreditation in this new scope. They will be assessed periodically by Inmetro, as it already happens in other scopes.